What is Open Government?
Charles Key Charles Key

What is Open Government?

Open Government is about transparency, accountability, and public participation. Imagine the government as a big house with lots of rooms. Traditionally, most doors have been closed to the public. Open Government initiatives are like opening these doors, letting light into every corner. This way, you can see what's happening inside, who's doing what, and how decisions are made.

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Stolen Government: Unveiling the Need for Openness in Governance
Charles Key Charles Key

Stolen Government: Unveiling the Need for Openness in Governance

In "Stolen Government," I take you on a journey through the inner sanctums of political power where I served as a state representative. Here, I witnessed the opaque maneuvers and the subtle erosion of our foundational principles of transparency and accountability. This book lays bare the patterns of power plays and corruption that seemingly transcend party lines, revealing that these issues are not partisan but systemic.

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Republishing "The Final Report: The Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building”
Charles Key Charles Key

Republishing "The Final Report: The Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building”

In the annals of American history, certain events leave an indelible mark on the national consciousness, shaping our collective memory and influencing policy for generations to come. One such event is the tragic bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. This devastating act of domestic terrorism not only claimed 168 lives and injured hundreds but also left a nation grappling with profound grief and a renewed focus on security.

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