
Welcome to my website.  I am Charles Key. I served in the Oklahoma legislature for 18 years, two different tenures, And have been active in grassroots politics for over 30 years.

I created this site to help people understand why Most elected officials Behave differently once elected. During my time of service, I learned how things really work and what goes on behind the scenes. What I witnessed disturbed and angered me.

On this website, you will find answers to why legislative bodies too often don't truly represent their constituents.

What is open government? Simply put, it is an attempt to move us back to the type of political system originally intended by those who founded it many years ago. In other words, it is closer to a government by and for the people.

Stolen government demonstrates the most egregious example of corruption in our political system. It shows how some individuals and special interest groups use the system in a way that was never intended. It shows how some elected to office use their position to gain an advantage over other duly elected individuals and show a preference for special interest groups and large donors. This platform is a window into the diverse initiatives and projects that fuel my passion for government transparency and reform. Here, you'll discover ways to bring back real transparency, true accountability, and sincere representation. Let’s roll up our sleeves and make a difference together.